At Kinamon we take Kashrut seriously and want to provide you, your guests, and your family food that is to the highest standards of Kashrut. To this end, we are certified by the Rabbanut of Jerusalem’s Mehadrin division.
From August 8, 2024 we are also certified by the Kashrut Mehadrin of Harav Rubin.
All ingredients, both raw and prepared, are certified either by Kashrut Mehadrin Harav Rubin, Kashrut Harav Landau, Badatz Eida Hacharedit.
For meats and chickens we use any of the following: Kashrut Mehadrin Harav Rubin, Kashrut Harav Landau, Badatz Eida Hacharedit. We can also accommodate special requests for different meat hescherim with sufficient advance notice.
Fruits and Vegetables
We use either of the following: Kashrut Mehadrin Harav Rubin, Badatz Eida Hacharedit.
Our facilities are pareve and meat and therefore all food produced in our kitchen is considered pareve except for meat dishes which are meat equipment or b’hezkat besari (made in meat pots, ovens, bowls, etc.).
For questions about kashrut, please feel free to email kinamoncaterers@gmail.com and we will be happy to discuss.